Pets Research

Free roaming cats: attack of the unknowns

In Part 2 (catch up on Part 1 here) of our conversation with Mark Farnworth of Unitec Institute of Technology in Auckland, New Zealand, we learn what the scientific research can tell us about the success of methods to control free roaming (owned and unowned) cat populations – and what it can’t.

We talk about Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) versus lethal control, where does responsibility lie and can an effective population management compromise be reached without all the facts?



Free roaming cat laws Australia
Free roaming cats

Mark Farnworth: Research Gate Profile

Unitec: Dept of Environmental and Animal Sciences

G2Z Australia National Cat Action Plan:
Draft currently seeking feedback

Image credit: Flickr/TomPoes


Animal hoarding: a complex mess

Dr Kersti Seksel, registered specialist in veterinary behaviour medicine and behavioural science major in human psychology, explains the complicated and sensitive topic of animal hoarding.

This issue is difficult to research and complex to resolve, but help is available.

Find out more about animal hoarding in our interview with Kersti.



RSPCA: Animal Hoarding information

The hoarding of animals research consortium (Tufts University)

Snowdon, J., Halliday, G., & Banerjee, S. (2012). Severe Domestic Squalor. Cambridge University Press. Chapter 5: Animal Hoarding.

Get help and support by visiting your GP doctor, or contact:

Beyond Blue


Image credit: Banksy via Flickr/JoelRae


Disaster survival: animals and their people

Dr Kirrilly Thompson, Research Fellow in Cultural Anthropology at CQ University in Adelaide, Australia, is a cultural anthropologist with varied research experience and interests.

In this episode of Human Animal Science, we get an overview of her ground breaking research into the effect of the human-animal bond in relation to natural disaster preparedness and survival.



Animals and Disasters Project Summary (PDF)

Thompson K. (2013) Save me, same my dog: Increasing natural disaster preparedness and survival by addressing human-animal relationships. Australian Journal of Communication. 40(1): 123-36.

Image credit: Flickr/Christaface

Koala and fire fighter from the Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria, Australia
(*language warning*)